Aww, I love you! Thank you for all you do for Oliver, Elliott and me.

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If your home for sale is in Florida, you may have answered your own thoughts. Interesting to get this today as I am on that dang struggle bus all the time with gun control. Once a victim/survivor of gun violence, you will always have a stand you can’t be swayed on. I was scheduled to work last Friday and Saturday and I called in sick. Ready to quit. Not because of the job but all the recent shootings has almost broke me. Didn’t want to get out of bed or be around anyone. Including hubs. I had a heart to heart with my boss, who I hadn’t shared our story with, and with such kindness and grace, she took me off the schedule for the next 2 weeks. She understood my need to just use some self care (And write letters or make calls to TN and elsewhere). I feel your anguish that nothing will change unless we speak out, but for personal reasons, we all have some things we just cannot do to protect ourselves and our families. You are showing your boys how important it is to be inclusive and fight for equality in whichever way works for you. Keep on truckin…….

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