Officially jealous of that trip, though I can't sleep on trains, even in our own compartment. I'm just too light of a sleeper. Congrats on selling the house and say hi to Kelly!

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I'm really thankful we won't be sleeping on the train but in nice hotels. The movement of trains does not mix well with sleep for me either.

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I discovered it on the night train from Bucharest to Budapest. Not fun...

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Rob Taylor

We took that train trip many years ago. Had road tripped it first and when the train went, off we went. It’s gorgeous! Banff is a fun city.

As for the keys, my ex in-laws lived on Marathon and one time visiting we wanted to go to Key West. His immediate comeback was he wouldn’t go down among those fags. I was so floored and gave him my opinion on his remarks. I insisted that my ex and I leave on first plane out. Eventually they changed but it was too late. Damage done. How anyone could think it, or even speak it, is beyond me. No desire to be with toxic people. On their behalf, my deepest apologies for ignorant people.

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I think the Keys have made leaps and bounds with acceptance and equality, and I'm thankful. Key West definitely is a safe haven and such a wonderful place to spend time, so it'll be wonderful. :)

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I agree. It was just the ignorance of my father in law at the time that upset me.

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